Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Key Staff

Anna Potyrała

Beata Przybylska-Maszner

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznán is one of the leading academic centres in Poland. The University currently employs nearly 3.000 teaching staff, including 360 professors, 500 AMU professors and over 1.500 doctors and senior lecturers. AMU is strongly dedicated to creating high-standard, multicultural educational opportunities. The University serves over 47 000 students with 15 faculties offering BA, MA and PhD programs. The newest programs include National Security, Biophysics with Nano-Bio-Med focus, Dialog and Social Engagement, Film Studies as well as new language programs such as Latvian Studies and South African Studies.

The Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, established 2007, is one of the youngest of the 15 faculties at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. However, the Faculty evolved from the Institute of Political Science and Journalism, which had operated since 1967. At present, the Faculty has over 4,200 students divided into four majors: Political Science, International Relations, Journalism and Social Communication, and National Security. The Faculty employs over 100 researchers and lecturers. Many specialist classes are run by members of various editorial offices, representatives of the authorities and employees of public institutions. Every year the Faculty organizes approximately 10 international and national scholarly conferences.